Skills Learned: Test data injection, handling automation  failures. This is probably the best UI test automation demo site I have seen. This website is an e-commerce store that has several excellent attributes.

Skills Learned: Web app, simple HTML elements, complicated HTML elements. A free place to practice some scenarios like: – Testing a sizeable, complicated page – Work with simple HTML elements like buttons – Fill out forms – Automate an application that evolves over time

Skills Learned: Cypress, Cross-browser testing. Cypress Real World app is a dummy site created to simulate real-world applications. You can use it to practice UI testing, database testing, and authentication testing.

Skills Learned: Web UI, REST API. This is a sensational dummy website for practicing automated software testing. You can learn UI and API automation. The coolest part about this is that there is a tutorial on how to build, test, and deploy the web app.

Skills Learned: Web UI automation, API automation. This web application is a contact list application with a web UI component and a REST API component. It’s excellent as a dummy web application because it allows us to practice more than just UI testing.

Skills Learned: UI interactions. This app might be one of the coolest ever because you can mix and match your front-end and back-end for your desired tech stack. Yet the functionality remains the  same! Some options you have are: – React / Redux – Angular – Elm – Vue

Skills Learned: UI interactions. This is a demo banking website from Applitools. You can log in to the app by pressing the login button without entering credentials. It doesn’t seem to do much besides being able to log in. None of the buttons seem to work. Only the UI seems to get refreshed with a few of the buttons.

Skills Learned: UI + Web Services automation. This is a banking website that allows for automation through the UI and Web Services (REST and SOAP). This is hugely beneficial because it allows you to think of your automation in terms of the automation pyramid.

Skills Learned: API Automation. Restful-booker is an API you can use to learn more about API Testing or try out API testing tools. Restful-booker is a Create Read Update Delete Web API that comes with authentication features and is loaded with bugs for you to explore.  The API comes pre-loaded with 10 records for you to work with and resets itself every 10 minutes back to that default state.

Skills Learned: API testing and automation. Fake online HTTP request and response service to practices things like: – Authentication – Cookies – Redirects