
10 Best Practices for Selenium Coding Excellence with Examples

Optimizing Test Scripts:

For both seasoned experts and fresh learners, let’s sum up what we’ve discovered together. We’ve talked about smart ways and practical examples to make our test scripts work better with Selenium coding.

Here’s a quick recap:

1.Precise Locator Strategies:

Imagine automating an e-commerce site. Instead of using vague XPaths, consider this robust locator for a “Checkout” button:

 `By.xpath("//button[contains(text(), 'Checkout')]")`.  

This locator precisely targets the desired element. 

2.Data Source Decisions:

Think of testing a login feature. Store user credentials in a JSON file. It simplifies managing user data, like this:

     "username": "testuser", 
     "password": "password123" 

3.Eliminate Hardcoding:

Picture a scenario where you automate form submissions. Instead of hardcoding values, externalize them:

   String username = ConfigReader.getProperty("username"); 
   String password = ConfigReader.getProperty("password");

 4.Test-Driven Development (TDD):

Consider building an e-commerce checkout flow. Start with a failing test, like ensuring the cart is empty initially. Then, write automation to meet that criterion.

5.WebDriver Waits:

When automating dynamic pages, like a news website, apply explicit waits to ensure elements load before interacting. For example:

  WebDriverWait wait = new WebDriverWait(driver, 10); 

6.Debugging Discipline:

While automating a login process, insert breakpoints strategically to inspect variables and verify their values during debugging. This ensures the script works flawlessly.

7.Clean Code Practices:

In automating a search feature, maintain clean code with meaningful comments:

Clean coding practice

 8.Version Control Commitment:

Collaborating on an automation project? Commit and push your changes regularly to Git. It enables smooth collaboration and helps roll back to stable versions if issues arise.

9.Continuous Integration (CI):

Suppose you’re automating a registration process. Integrate your tests into a CI/CD pipeline. Upon code changes, automated tests execute, providing rapid feedback to the team.

10.SOLID Principles and Design Patterns:

Building a test framework? Apply the Single Responsibility Principle (SRP). Each class should have one reason to change. For instance, a PageObject should focus solely on page interactions.

You may also like to read – Top 10 Reasons Why You Should Learn Selenium


Wrapping up

Remember, these practices aren’t theoretical; they’re your toolkit for Selenium success in real-world scenarios. As you continue your coding journey, remember, excellence is a continuous process. Keep coding, keep testing, and keep excelling!

Become an expert in Selenium with the help of experienced professionals at Testleaf. Grasp automation testing and enjoy our Selenium Re-DO program for more exposure.


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